Welcome to Meg Kane Counseling,

where you can learn to explore and heal emotional issues associated with trauma and early attachment, as well as chronic pain and physical problems.

I specialize in counseling that incorporates talk therapy and mindfulness while using the body a resource in processing frustrating and debilitating emotions, such as anxiety and depression. With a little support and guidance, you can learn to empower the wisdom of your body with the unique narrative of your life. I can help you recognize and understand struggles that stem from early or later life experiences, work toward your personal goals and feel more complete, embodied and comfortable in your skin.

Are you ready to connect your mind and body in new, healthier ways?

Together we can explore the gifts offered by all aspects of your being: the mind, body and your imagination. These rich resources can offer tremendous insights and help us to feel more whole, more embodied, and more comfortable in our own skin. Please call me at (425) 681-3866 or email megkanecounseling@gmail.com for a free consultation to learn if this approach is right for you.